Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I'm Back

Last week I had a terrible cold with a fever. I spent most of the week lamenting that I, as usual, had procrastinated in preparing for my upcoming show, the MA Sheep and Wool. Dyeing was, for the most part, out of the question, but I did manage to complete a prototype from Phoebe's Sweater, a delightful picture book for toddlers about a young mouse and her family. Here it is:

I dyed some yarn for her body and dress the week before last, so all I had to do was knit while sitting in my glider, moaning and drinking copious amounts of Emergen-C, which is my go-to potion for avoiding and/or surviving almost anything.

By Wednesday afternoon I thought I felt well enough to take these photos, but then succumbed to more sleep. I did, however, regain consciousness and finish her coat, too.

Having her in the booth resulted in a few sales I might not have had otherwise. I'm working on completing the child's sweater that is also included in the book. This may be my 'Summer of Samples.'


  1. She is adorable! You should send her on a journey and photograph her adventures! Glad you're feeling better. There is NOTHING worse than a summer/spring cold.

  2. So sweet! If I'd had such an adorable doll when I was a little girl, I would have just died with happiness.

    Hope you're feeling much better!

  3. LOOKS like you are back! Very cute doll! Please pass the knitting inspiration on to me! I haven't picked up my needles for 2 weeks. Need my GIRLS at the circle!


  4. She is so sweet! Will you bring her to the Thacher Park sheep and wool gathering?
